Charlene Robbins, Registrar
912-842-8320 phone
How to Register for school
All new student registration is now completed online. Register from your home computer or digital device. You can also make an appointment with the school to use a computer for registration.
School Transfer Requests
Parents/guardians of students may request a transfer under the following situations:
- Students who are the children of full-time employees of a specific school may attend that school and follow the feeder school pattern as long as that parent is a full-time employee in that feeder pattern.
- Parent/guardian who changes residency during the school term and wishes for the students to complete the year at the current school.
- Students requiring academic services which are not available in the designated area school.
- Medical conditions that create hardship.
Parents/guardians may apply for transfer through the Bulloch County Board of Education Transportation Department, located at 219 Simons Road. For more information, call (912) 212-8640.